Behavioral Public Relations practice is grounded in the research of the social, behavioral and communications sciences – research conducted by our academic brethren who, besides educating the next generations of our colleagues, are constantly conducting research to advance knowledge. Kudos to them!
One of the requirements of this academic endeavor is to present their research regularly at conferences for feedback from colleagues and to expand awareness of the work being done. Every March, the International Public Relations Research Conference (IPRRC), is held in Orlando. Public Relations educators from around the world come to present their research (either complete or in-progress) for discussion. This nifty conference format gives diligent participants the opportunity to hear 72 papers (15 minutes at a time). By the end of three days, you have both a plethora of new ideas and renewed energy on strategy.
This year, the papers were presented in a number of areas including Behavior Change Theory, Behavior Change Case studies, Crisis Communications, Internal Communications, Investor Communication (ESG specifically), AI (of course). I’m summarizing two of my favorite papers here. If you attended, your favorites might be different. Join us next year and let’s compare notes (!
Dekay: “Adverse Work Experience: AWEs: A measure of psychosocial and physical harm at work” (Dekay 2022) This research on the impact of that which “hurts us as children” carries over into the workplace. DeKay’s research showed that AWEs increase turnover and psychological distress, decreases engagement, conscientiousness and psychological wellbeing, and workplace PTSD. Educating employees in their options and Managers/Supervisors in methods to minimize the “risk of psychosocial hazards” can become important strategies to improve hiring, retention, productivity and morale — all goals of internal communication functions.
Ye, Tao, Xu, Huang: “Navigating Newcome Experience: A Longitudinal Study of Internal Communication’s Role in Job Engagement and Organization-Newcome Relationships” Building on the concept of “Organizational Socialization” (a process by which newcomers adjust to work and assimilate into an organization – a concept rooted in Cultural Anthropology), these educators identified a lack of research on how, during early stages of socialization, newcomers in organizations process messages and adjust attitudes, behaviors and perceptions of the organization. “Motivating Language” that includes direction-giving language and empathetic language along with “transparent communication” consisting of participation , quality and relevant information (substantiality) and a commitment to owning decisions and actions (accountability), builds relationships with the organization and fosters work engagement overtime. With the expense of finding, vetting and hiring employees, better methods of socializing new employees can increase productivity and contribute to a better bottom line.