Tough Warrior Princesses Raise Their Game With A New Logo And Tagline

Although many nonprofits don’t have the corporate budgets dedicated to creating brand awareness and updating their brand, it is just as important for them to communicate their USP (Unique Selling Proposition) consistently and effectively as it is for for-profit organizations. Enter Tough Warrior Princesses (TWP), an all-volunteer nonprofit dedicated to providing support, comfort, love and …

Oklahoma’s 988 Campaign: Promoting The Use Of Mental Health Help By Applying Basic PR Principles

Last year, a national campaign was launched for 988, a helpline that provides a live, local person to talk with, 24/7, over the phone – and if need be, a mobile crisis team to dispatch to your location — during times of personal crisis. Jones Public Relations, partnering with Insight Creative and their client, Oklahoma’s …


“As he always does, Chris Graves from Ogilvy’s Center for Behavioral Science, gave an inspiring, albeit brief lecture on the development of a “Sensemaking Genome” for stakeholders.  No longer, admonished Graves, should we slice and dice our stakeholders by common demographics but elevate our analyses to the underlying psychological make-up of our publics.” JUST published …

Talking About Suicide: A PR Strategy for raising awareness of a difficult subject

The NH Coalition for Suicide Prevention, spearheaded by the Brain Injury Association of NH, was recently launched to raise awareness about the issue of suicide among members of vulnerable populations like people with brain injuries, people with disabilities, Veterans, first responders, police and the elderly.  Their work complements the efforts of other NH organizations focusing …

Helping Others To Take Care of Our Veterans: Campaigns Encourage Sharing of Resources and Support While Building Teamwork and CSR

In the month of November, and on Veterans Day in particular, we focus on those who have served, or are currently serving our country, and we thank them for their service.  JJ&W “Ask the Question” Listens Then Shares Resources In its effort to listen and better serve the community, the NH Legislative Commission on PTSD …

How to Change Behavior around the Dangerous Behavior of Drink Spiking

True story.  Just two weeks ago, two 25-year old women walked into a local, popular Boston bar, accompanied by a young man who is a friend. It is 10 p.m. It was their first and only stop of the evening.  After dinner and a few drinks prior at home, they ordered one round of drinks …

How To Say “No” Effectively to Leadership

Such a joy to be back IN PERSON for a presentation at the National School Public Relations Association (NSPRA) annual seminar last week.  It reinforces how important face-to-face communication is in building relationships and cementing our learning. My colleague John Lyday, APR, Fellow PRSA and I presented on the challenges and strategies needed to say …

Using the Triggering Event of COVID to Impact Culture Change

Triggering events, whether created for us or by us, can create a fissure in the current behaviors and beliefs of stakeholders. These fissures, if smartly managed, can help transform an organization’s culture. Even before the trauma of the last year, healthcare was reeling from a bevy of changes and pressures. Nursing shortages, changing business models, …


Here in Massachusetts, Gov. Charlie Baker has launched the #MaskUpMA campaign to raise awareness and stimulate behaviors that will reduce the spread of COVID-19 in our state in the coming months.  His collective efforts to guide the public’s behavior during the pandemic follow the 4-Step Public Behavior Change Model, based on the work of leading …

Summary of JJ&W’s WEbinar for PRSA: External Communication with Stakeholders During Covid-19

What is known about how humans process risk and crisis remind us that not every member of a stakeholder group is at the same point in their understanding, acceptance, processing or action steps.  In fact, most are likely ricocheting daily, if not hourly, between these waypoints as they deal with the mental and emotional toll …